//+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Goblin.mq4 Rel.1 | //| Original 10Point 3.mq4 Copyright © 2005, Alejandro Galindo | //| http://elCactus.com | //| | //| Modified ver. of 10points 3_dynamic_stop to provide multiple options | //| for better trend detection using customized Jurik based indicators. | //| | //| bluto @ www.forex-tsd.com; 11/22/2006 | //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2005, Alejandro Galindo" #property link "http://elCactus.com" extern double TakeProfit = 40; // Profit Goal for the latest order opened extern double Lots = 0.1; // First order will be for this lot size extern double InitialStop = 0; // StopLoss extern double TrailingStop = 20; // Pips to trail the StopLoss extern int MaxTrades=10; // Maximum number of orders to open extern int Pips=15; // Distance in Pips from one order to another extern int SecureProfit=10; // If profit made is bigger than SecureProfit we close the orders extern int AccountProtection=1; // If one the account protection will be enabled, 0 is disabled extern int OrderstoProtect=3; // This number subtracted from MaxTrades is the number of open orders to enable the account protection. // Example: (MaxTrades=10) minus (OrderstoProtect=3)=7 orders need to be open before account protection is enabled. extern int ReverseCondition=0; // If one the decision to go long/short will be reversed extern int StartYear=2005; // Year to start (only for backtest) extern int StartMonth=1; // Month to start (only for backtest) extern int EndYear=2050; // Year to stop trading (backtest and live) extern int EndMonth=12; // Month to stop trading (backtest and live) // extern int EndHour=22; // Not used for now // extern int EndMinute=30; // Not used for now extern int mm=0; // if 1, the lots size will increase based on account size extern int risk=12; // risk to calculate the lots size (only if mm is enabled) extern int AccountisNormal=0; // Zero if account is not mini/micro extern int Magic = 123987; // Magic number for the orders placed int OpenOrders=0, cnt=0; int slippage=5; double sl=0, tp=0; double BuyPrice=0, SellPrice=0; double lotsi=0, mylotsi=0; int mode=0, myOrderType=0; bool ContinueOpening=True; double LastPrice=0; int PreviousOpenOrders=0; double Profit=0; int LastTicket=0, LastType=0; double LastClosePrice=0, LastLots=0; double Pivot=0; double PipValue=0; string text="", text2=""; double DnTrendVal=0,UpTrendVal=0,TrendVal=0; string TrendTxt="analyzing..."; int RSX_Period=17; int trendtype=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { //---- if (AccountisNormal==1) { if (mm!=0) { lotsi=MathCeil(AccountBalance()*risk/10000); } else { lotsi=Lots; } } else { // then is mini if (mm!=0) { lotsi=MathCeil(AccountBalance()*risk/10000)/10; } else { lotsi=Lots; } } if (lotsi>100){ lotsi=100; } OpenOrders=0; for(cnt=0;cntEndYear) { return(0); } if (TimeMonth(CurTime())>EndMonth ) { return(0); } } double PipValue = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_TICKVALUE); if (PipValue==0) { PipValue=5; } if (PreviousOpenOrders>OpenOrders) { for(cnt=OrdersTotal();cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); mode=OrderType(); if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic) { if (mode==OP_BUY) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),slippage,Blue); } if (mode==OP_SELL) { OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),slippage,Red); } return(0); } } } PreviousOpenOrders=OpenOrders; if (OpenOrders>=MaxTrades) { ContinueOpening=False; } else { ContinueOpening=True; } if (LastPrice==0) { for(cnt=0;cnt=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic) { if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) { if (TrailingStop>0) { if (OrderOpenPrice()-Ask>=(TrailingStop+Pips)*Point) { if (OrderStopLoss()>(Ask+Point*TrailingStop)) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Ask+Point*TrailingStop,OrderClosePrice()-TakeProfit*Point-TrailingStop*Point,800,Purple); return(0); } } } } if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) { if (TrailingStop>0) { if (Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>=(TrailingStop+Pips)*Point) { if (OrderStopLoss()<(Bid-Point*TrailingStop)) { OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid-Point*TrailingStop,OrderClosePrice()+TakeProfit*Point+TrailingStop*Point,800,Yellow); return(0); } } } } } } Profit=0; LastTicket=0; LastType=0; LastClosePrice=0; LastLots=0; for(cnt=0;cntOrderOpenPrice()) { Profit=Profit+(OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice())*OrderLots()/Point; } } if (LastType==OP_SELL) { //Profit=Profit+(Ord(cnt,VAL_OPENPRICE)-Ord(cnt,VAL_CLOSEPRICE))*PipValue*Ord(cnt,VAL_LOTS); if (OrderClosePrice()>OrderOpenPrice()) { Profit=Profit-(OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice())*OrderLots()/Point; } if (OrderClosePrice()=(MaxTrades-OrderstoProtect) && AccountProtection==1) { //Print(Symbol,":",Profit); if (Profit>=SecureProfit) { OrderClose(LastTicket,LastLots,LastClosePrice,slippage,Yellow); ContinueOpening=False; return(0); } } if (!IsTesting()) { if (myOrderType==3) { text="No conditions to open trades"; } else { text=" "; } Comment("LastPrice=",LastPrice," Previous open orders=",PreviousOpenOrders," H4 Trend Dir: ",TrendTxt," == ",TrendVal,"\nContinue opening=",ContinueOpening," OrderType=",myOrderType,"\n",text2,"\nLots=",lotsi,"\n",text); } if (myOrderType==1 && ContinueOpening) { if ((Bid-LastPrice)>=Pips*Point || OpenOrders<1) { SellPrice=Bid; LastPrice=0; if (TakeProfit==0) { tp=0; } else { tp=SellPrice-TakeProfit*Point; } if (InitialStop==0) { sl=0; } else { sl=NormalizeDouble(SellPrice+InitialStop*Point + (MaxTrades-OpenOrders)*Pips*Point, Digits); } if (OpenOrders!=0) { mylotsi=lotsi; for(cnt=1;cnt<=OpenOrders;cnt++) { if (MaxTrades>12) { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*1.5,2); } else { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*2,2); } } } else { mylotsi=lotsi; } if (mylotsi>100) { mylotsi=100; } OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,mylotsi,SellPrice,slippage,sl,tp,"RF1",Magic,0,Red); return(0); } } if (myOrderType==2 && ContinueOpening) { if ((LastPrice-Ask)>=Pips*Point || OpenOrders<1) { BuyPrice=Ask; LastPrice=0; if (TakeProfit==0) { tp=0; } else { tp=BuyPrice+TakeProfit*Point; } if (InitialStop==0) { sl=0; } else { sl=NormalizeDouble(BuyPrice-InitialStop*Point - (MaxTrades-OpenOrders)*Pips*Point, Digits); } if (OpenOrders!=0) { mylotsi=lotsi; for(cnt=1;cnt<=OpenOrders;cnt++) { if (MaxTrades>12) { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*1.5,2); } else { mylotsi=NormalizeDouble(mylotsi*2,2); } } } else { mylotsi=lotsi; } if (mylotsi>100) { mylotsi=100; } OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,mylotsi,BuyPrice,slippage,sl,tp,"RF1",Magic,0,Blue); return(0); } } return(0); } //+---------------------------------------- End of mainline order processing logic ---------------------------------+ int OpenOrdersBasedOnTrendRSX() { int myOrderType=3; Check_Trend(); double rsxcurr = iCustom(Symbol(),Period(),"Turbo_JRSX",RSX_Period,0,0); double rsxprev = iCustom(Symbol(),Period(),"Turbo_JRSX",RSX_Period,0,1); if ((rsxcurr > rsxprev) && (trendtype == 2 || trendtype == 3)) { myOrderType = 2; } if ((rsxcurr < rsxprev) && (trendtype == 2 || trendtype == 1)) { myOrderType = 1; } return(myOrderType); } void Check_Trend() { UpTrendVal = iCustom(Symbol(), PERIOD_H4, "Turbo_JVEL",7,-100,0,0); DnTrendVal = iCustom(Symbol(), PERIOD_H4, "Turbo_JVEL",7,-100,1,0); TrendVal = (UpTrendVal + DnTrendVal); Comment("LastPrice=",LastPrice," Previous open orders=",PreviousOpenOrders," H4 Trend Dir: ",TrendTxt," == ",TrendVal,"\nContinue opening=",ContinueOpening," OrderType=",myOrderType,"\n",text2,"\nLots=",lotsi,"\n",text); if(TrendVal <= -0.1) { trendtype = 1; TrendTxt = "Strong Downtrend"; } if(TrendVal > -0.1 && TrendVal < 0) { trendtype = 2; TrendTxt = "Weak Downtrend/Ranging"; } if(TrendVal > 0 && TrendVal < 0.1) { trendtype = 2; TrendTxt = "Weak Uptrend/Ranging"; } if(TrendVal >= 0.1) { trendtype = 3; TrendTxt = "Strong Uptrend"; } return(0); }