//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| SHI_Channel.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2004, Shurka & Kevin | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2004, Shurka & Kevin" #property link "" #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 1 #property indicator_color1 Red double ExtMapBuffer1[]; //---- input parameters extern int AllBars=240; extern int BarsForFract=0; extern int ChannelAlert=50; extern int SlopeAlert=25; extern bool ChannelTalk=true; int CurrentBar=0; int alertTag; double Step=0; int B1=-1,B2=-1; int UpDown=0; double P1=0,P2=0,PP=0; double OldChannelWidth,OldSlopeAngle; int i=0,AB=300,BFF=0; int ishift=0; double iprice=0; datetime T1,T2; int firsttime=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- indicators SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(0,164); SetIndexBuffer(0,ExtMapBuffer1); SetIndexEmptyValue(0,0.0); //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custor indicator deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- //---- return(0); } void DelObj() { ObjectDelete("TL1"); ObjectDelete("TL2"); ObjectDelete("MIDL"); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); string symbolTxt; string WhatTxt; if (Symbol()=="EURUSD") { symbolTxt = "Euro Dollar"; } if (Symbol()=="EURJPY") { symbolTxt = "Euro Yen "; } if (Symbol()=="EURAUD") { symbolTxt = "Euro Aussie "; } if (Symbol()=="EURCAD") { symbolTxt = "Euro Canadian"; } if (Symbol()=="EURCHF") { symbolTxt = "Euro Swiss"; } if (Symbol()=="GBPUSD") { symbolTxt = "Cable Dollar"; } if (Symbol()=="GBPJPY") { symbolTxt = "Cable Yen "; } if (Symbol()=="GBPCHF") { symbolTxt = "Cable Swiss"; } if (Symbol()=="AUDUSD") { symbolTxt = "Aussie"; } if (Symbol()=="USDCHF") { symbolTxt = "Swiss Dollar"; } if (Symbol()=="USDCAD") { symbolTxt = "Canada"; } if (Symbol()=="USDJPY") { symbolTxt = "Yen Dollar"; } if (Symbol()=="CHFJPY") { symbolTxt = "Swiss Yen "; } if (Symbol()=="GOLD") { symbolTxt = "Gold"; } //---- if ((AllBars==0) || (Bars0) BFF=BarsForFract; else { switch (Period()) { case 1: BFF=12; break; case 5: BFF=48; break; case 15: BFF=24; break; case 30: BFF=24; break; case 60: BFF=12; break; case 240: BFF=15; break; case 1440: BFF=10; break; case 10080: BFF=6; break; default: DelObj(); return(-1); break; } } CurrentBar=2; //считаем с третьего бара, чтобы фрактал "закрепился B1=-1; B2=-1; UpDown=0; while(((B1==-1) || (B2==-1)) && (CurrentBar-1) && (CurrentBar==Highest(Symbol(),Period(),MODE_HIGH,BFF*2+1,CurrentBar-BFF))) { if(UpDown==0) { UpDown=1; B1=CurrentBar; P1=High[B1]; } else { B2=CurrentBar; P2=High[B2]; } } CurrentBar++; } if((B1==-1) || (B2==-1)) {DelObj(); return(-1);} // Значит не нашли фракталов среди 300 баров 8-) Step=(P2-P1)/(B2-B1);//Вычислили шаг, если он положительный, то канал нисходящий P1=P1-B1*Step; B1=0;//переставляем цену и первый бар к нулю //А теперь опорную точку противоположной линии канала. ishift=0; iprice=0; if(UpDown==1) { PP=Low[2]-2*Step; for(i=3;i<=B2;i++) { if(Low[i]P1) {ishift=0; iprice=P1;} if(High[1]>P1+Step) {ishift=1; iprice=P1+Step;} } else { PP=High[2]-2*Step; for(i=3;i<=B2;i++) { if(High[i]>PP+Step*i) { PP=High[i]-i*Step;} } if(Low[0]PP) {ishift=0; iprice=PP;} if(High[1]>PP+Step) {ishift=1; iprice=PP+Step;} } //Теперь переставим конечную цену и бар на АВ, чтобы линии канала рисовались подлиннее P2=P1+AB*Step; T1=Time[B1]; T2=Time[AB]; //Если не было пересечения канала, то 0, иначе ставим псису. if(iprice!=0) ExtMapBuffer1[ishift]=iprice; DelObj(); double ChannelWidth=MathAbs(PP - P1)/Point; double SlopeAngle=MathFloor((-Step/Point)*100); ObjectCreate("TL1",OBJ_TREND,0,T2,PP+Step*AB,T1,PP); // Channel is Green if width is greater than ChannelAlert (Default 50), otherwise it is Red if(ChannelWidth >= ChannelAlert) {ObjectSet("TL1",OBJPROP_COLOR,Lime);} else {ObjectSet("TL1",OBJPROP_COLOR,Red); } ObjectSet("TL1",OBJPROP_WIDTH,2); ObjectSet("TL1",OBJPROP_STYLE,STYLE_SOLID); ObjectCreate("TL2",OBJ_TREND,0,T2,P2,T1,P1); if(ChannelWidth >= ChannelAlert) {ObjectSet("TL2",OBJPROP_COLOR,Lime); } else{ObjectSet("TL2",OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);} ObjectSet("TL2",OBJPROP_WIDTH,2); ObjectSet("TL2",OBJPROP_STYLE,STYLE_SOLID); ObjectCreate("MIDL",OBJ_TREND,0,T2,(P2+PP+Step*AB)/2,T1,(P1+PP)/2); // Mid line is Green if Slope is greater than SlopeAlert (Default 25), otherwise it is Red if(ChannelWidth >= ChannelAlert && MathAbs(SlopeAngle) >= SlopeAlert) {ObjectSet("MIDL",OBJPROP_COLOR,Lime); } else{ObjectSet("MIDL",OBJPROP_COLOR,Red);} ObjectSet("MIDL",OBJPROP_WIDTH,1); ObjectSet("MIDL",OBJPROP_STYLE,STYLE_DOT); WhatTxt="Change"; if (OldChannelWidthChannelWidth) WhatTxt="is narrowing"; if (OldSlopeAngle<0 && SlopeAngle>0 )WhatTxt="Changed direction to up"; if (OldSlopeAngle>0 && SlopeAngle<0 )WhatTxt="Changed direction to down"; if(firsttime && ChannelTalk && alertTag != Time[0]&& OldChannelWidth!=ChannelWidth || OldSlopeAngle!=SlopeAngle) { //Alert("Shi Channel Change"); SpeechText("chee channel"+ WhatTxt+" "+symbolTxt); alertTag = Time[0]; } OldChannelWidth=ChannelWidth; OldSlopeAngle=SlopeAngle; firsttime=firsttime+1; Comment(" Channel size = ", DoubleToStr(ChannelWidth,0), " Slope = ", DoubleToStr(SlopeAngle,0)); //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+